Beading Arts's Getting Publicity without Breaking the Bank
The Beading Gem's Jewelry Business Tips
The Beading Gem's Jewelry Making Tips
The Beading Gem's What to Do When You Lose Your Mojo to Create
Brandi Hussey's An Artist's Guide to Pricing's article on Bakelite's article on Vintage Celluloid Jewelry
GemsAndKnots's What is Lucite?
Kendra's Weekly Tips: Blogging Style
Kendra's Weekly Tips: Blogging
Land of Odds's So You Want to Do Craft Shows...
Lorelei Eurto's Submit Your Jewelry to Magazines!
Lori Anderson's Eye Candy with a Bit of Business Plan
Lori Anderson's How to Start Doing Craft Shows
Lori Anderson's How to Teach a Jewelry-Making Class
Stacie Louise's Jewelry Shows, Displays and the Dis-content Artist
Tammy Powley's's Jewelry Making blog
Via U! Photography Blog's Tutorial for Photographing Silver Jewelry
Warren Feld's (Land of Odds) Orientation to Beads
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Email me (jamberry underscore song at yahoo dot com) if you'd like to see a link added here!
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