Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Creating and Being

Recently, For My Sweet Daughter had a beautiful post about origins and asked,
"How did you fall in love with the process of creating? Did you have a mentor?"

I didn't have any specific mentors; rather, there were several people who helped me become the creative person that I am.

My mother was one of those people. One of my fondest memories was the time we had to take an emergency trip to our grandparents' house. There wasn't time to pack any toys, and we were so bored. My parents didn't have a whole lot of money to buy anything for us to do. So my mother dug an ancient box of crayons and a pair of scissors out of a drawer, took a cereal box and some paper, and made us some mermaid paper dolls. They were beautiful dolls, and some of the best toys we ever had. I knew I wanted drawing to be a part of my future then. My parents may not have had a lot of money when I was growing up, but they made sure we had tons of books to read and things to craft with. We used to go to girl scout meetings and sometimes on camping trips; my favorite part was always the arts and crafts.

When I was much older, we went to a camp program run by Native American elders. It was they who taught me how to bead, who enlightened my spirit and revealed the community and the serenity that are possible through this most ancient of arts. Jewelry is not just made to accessorize; it has so many meanings, so many uses. It was the Native American Indians who sealed their treaties, not with signatures and handshakes, but with beads. They had belts to commemorate certain accomplishments, decorated headdresses to show rank and achievements, ornate garments specific to particular ceremonies and events. It was these things my elders imparted to me. Grandmother White Wolf, Woman-With-Two-Canoes, and Grandfather Running Wolf: if you ever stumble upon this page, I hope you realize how deeply I revere you and the things that you have taught me among the pine boughs and cedars, around the sacred fire, and to the shared heartbeat. <3

Amalie (my sister), Hope, and Barbara all deserve due mention here, as well. These women created with me, nurtured my penchant for making things, and shared in the community of creative minds.

And to those who ever inspired with their brilliant works or sheer passion for the arts,
this salute goes to you. <3 <3 <3

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Now. How did you fall in love with the process of creating? Did you have a mentor(s)?

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Emerald Window said...

My Grandmother taught me to knit and crochet, but when she taught me to embroider, I fell in love with the whole process. That love later became converted to Bead Embroidery. Grandma loved creating something beautiful out of simple objects and supplies. I think she still guides my creative expression. Many times I will finish a piece and think "Grandma would really like this one".

Crystal said...

I didn't have to have any sorts of prodding to create. I was just something that I needed to do much like breathing. When I didn't have pencils, I would sit in the back yard and burn twigs so I could use them as charcoal (its a good thing my parents didn't see me messing with matches) I taught myself to crochet from a book at the library. No one in my family was very creative so I was the oddball. Maybe its because I am a fidgeter. I can't sit still, even relaxing my hands have to be doing something. So I guess you could say that my god (since I think he give everyone something that makes them special) and my fidgeting nature was my impetus to create. :-) I totally admire native american culture, they understand that the need to create is entwined in just about everything!

Miss Val's Creations said...

What a beautiful post! It doesn't take much money to be creative sometimes!!! It sounds like you were surrounded by some great, inspirational people growing up! My dad is a crafter (not my mom) which was a little different!!! He's always making something. ~Val

My Life Under the Bus said...

Such a beautiful story! I always created - I was an only child who's mother worked so I spent quite a lot of time crafting and drawing to keep myself occupied.