What's tickling me this Tuesday? I'm still so happy I got to meet up with
Patty in Connecticut at the beginning of July. :3 We went to Sugarbeads again (really, I could just live there among all those pretties...), but Patty brought out a huge surprise for me. A package!
For those of you who don't know, Patty is an extremely talented lady---not just with beads, but with paper, decorating, and quilting, too. She's been sharing a bunch of her beautiful paper crafts on her blog (
here and
here, for example). Never in a million years, though, could I have imagined such a beautifully decorated parcel. Here's a sneak peek:
An owly! And an Emerson quotation, too! |
What treasures awaited inside?
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| Just look how beautiful! |
Wrapping in book pages, so clever! |
Do you see the owlies?! It was all I could do to keep from going SQUEEEEEE!!! |
AND she added some of her beautiful etchings and these gorgeous pearls. <3 | | | |
You can imagine how truly honored and happy I was to receive all of these magnificent lovelies. ^__^
We did both forget our cameras when we met at the shop (what a pair we were!), but I'll be sharing my stash tomorrow. (After I clean my bead table, of course... haven't worked on anything in so long, and so the space has a habit of collecting odds and ends.) Patty already shared her beautiful new stash
here. She found some fabulous little Czech glass violet beads that I think we both ended up getting. :3
Ah, shopping for beads... so much fun,
especially, but especially, with good company. :)
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These pieces are wonderful. I am in love with the packaging! Wrapping with a book is such a cool idea!!! ~Val
Oh my what a lovely and thoughtful gift. It's always nice to have a friend that pays attention to the little details. I admire Patty's skills.
Patty does have the best taste. Thanks for sharing the beauties from her. . .lucky you!
XOXO I hope you enjoyed everything! Just bits and bobs but the company was great and it was another lovely day. I have to go back and get more of those dang flowers! I am so glad I didn't not get them - they are fitting in everywhere.
I am so glad we got together again - I feel like I am twelve again in that store lol
Patty sure knows how to make you feel special doesn't she?! Have fun playing with your new things!!
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